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Jan 29, 2019

Once a year our President, Eric Kavanagh, updates us on The State of the Enterprise and he assures us the enterprise is strong and growing thanks to the power of the cloud and Big Data. 

Tendu Yogurtcu of Syncsort joins Eric for a discussion about the state of today’s enterprise and how Syncsort provides specialized...

Jan 23, 2019

Can you govern data? And if so, what does that mean? InsideAnalysis is psyched to feature data governance expert John Ladley on today's show! We'll talk about trends in the industry, and best practices to help your organization get on track.

Jan 15, 2019

Red-eyed robots notwithstanding, the power of artificial intelligence holds just about every facet of business in its crosshairs. There's not a segment of the commercial world that will go unaffected. At the moment, AI is tackling countless mundane processes, enabling workers to spend their time on quality projects. In...

Jan 7, 2019

Today’s Cloud Computing infrastructure is completely changing enterprise software and providing companies big and small with new insights into every aspect of their businesses from supply to production, from HR to Payroll, from purchasing to inventory. Thanks to Cloud Infrastructure provided by companies like Amazon,...