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Jul 26, 2021

Show us the money! That's what most business leaders say. They want sales, sales, sales! And why not? Without sales, no business can survive. And these days, sales automation has reached all new heights. Check out this episode of InsideAnalysis to hear host, Eric Kavanagh, as he discusses Sales Automation with an...

Jul 19, 2021

There are times when SLAs really count, when analytics must be run... or else. This is the domain of mission-critical analytics, when downtime is not an option. Provisioning such solutions requires a solid architecture and proven technology. And as a wise analyst once noted, it takes 10 years in production to find...

Jul 14, 2021

The fourth generation of enterprise computing is upon us, and with it comes a whole new way of delivering targeted business analytics. Cloud-native environments like Amazon Web Services offer a growing array of functionality that can be delivered and consumed at the speed of human activity. Find out what that all means...

Jul 5, 2021

Did you have a good experience? Or a bad one? The answer to that question will likely determine whether or not you return to that merchant. These days, brand loyalty can dissove in a moment. That’s partly due to countless new enterprises coming onto the scene, each with their own data-driven business architecture. How...