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Jul 31, 2017

Over the past quarter century, the Internet has arguably become the most pervasive manmade force in world history. In just the last few years, Web-based connectivity has revolutionized everything from home energy use to interstellar travel. From connected cars to connected refrigerators, this movement has been dubbed...

Jul 25, 2017

Is anything safe on the interwebs these days? Hackers seem to be everywhere, and the threat is palpable. The unfortunate reality is that hacking is here to stay, and thus the cat-and-mouse game of hacking and security evolution will continue apace. What can your organization do to keep safe? Check out this episode...

Jul 18, 2017

Draw a Venn diagram of Analytics, Big Data and Cloud, and what’s in the middle? Success! Companies that find their sweet spot leveraging these three technologies will almost assuredly succeed. The key is to find ways to deal with opportunities at-scale. How can your organization make the most of this confluence? Check...

Jul 11, 2017

How advanced is your company’s data strategy? Are you just getting started? Fully mature? Somewhere in between? A data maturity model can help your organization appreciate where you are in leveraging data as a critical asset. By getting realistic about your current state, you can effectively plan for the next steps...